Lookin’ Out My Back Door

“Lookin’ Out My Back Door” is a song written by John Foggerty of the Creedence Clearwater Revival and released in 1970. You have to be of a certain age and persuasion to know this song. According to Wikipedia, it is a tribute to the Bakersfield sound, which was originated by Buck Owens, but…that has nothing to do with this weeks’ column. Great song though.

It has been long documented that artists travel to seek inspiration. You folks know that I like to get out and about from time to time so it seems fitting that I’m an artist. You also know that I like to ride my Harley around and so consequently I combined the two passions into ArtistOnAHarley.com where I chronicle my painting adventures and life as an artist. Those activities that involve the motorcycle get special attention.

With the coming of the fall weather, it makes it difficult to venture very far from the studio on the Harley however. There is some fantastic weather in parts south of Colorado, Arizona, Southern New Mexico and Texas. If I can get out of the state to enjoy those opportunities, the challenge remains to get back into the state between snow storms. Therefore, any scratching of the wandering itch has to be done in a four wheeled vehicle.

Winter months do slow me down a bit and that’s good really. It at least gives me an opportunity to catch up on the long list of stuff that needs to be done around the house. Plus, it has caused me to look around my own part of the world for inspiration. Everywhere I go I’m making mental notes about coming back to paint a particular scene. I’ve got one up in Delta on their new by-pass and there are countless other paintings right here in my own backyard that are waiting to happen.

In the fall and spring of the season, the sun arcs lower across the sky than during the summer and that creates some great effects of light on various buildings, structures and landscapes as well. There’s lots to paint right now. For example, lookin’ out my back door (ha, what do you know, there it is) at the studio on Main Street I’ve been noticing the morning light on the theater down the alley and across the street. Yesterday morning I set up my easel next to the Harley out back and did a painting of it. I have to say that I rather enjoyed myself too. I managed to squeeze my two loves into the same morning and didn’t even have to leave town. Now if there had been a creek in the alley that’d have been even better.

Artist On A Harley Mike Simpson

Artist On A Harley Mike Simpson

Looking out my backdoor Egyptian theater

Comments 8

  1. I’ve always enjoyed the music of Creedence Clearwater Revival and I really like John Foggerty. I like your writings – about where you go and what you do. Your picnics, etc. Your paintings are superb!

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  3. Enjoyed talking to you and your friend from Cali the other day. You have some very nice work on display and we hope to stop by again soon.

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      Yes, please do. I’m usually there weekdays but from time to time I may be off and about painting so you might call ahead to see if I showed up. Thanks for stopping in. You’re welcome anytime.

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  4. Mike, I wrote you about a year or so ago while you were out and about on your Harley…guess the site didn’t except it, so I’ll try once more. Wanted to express to you my delight in your artwork and that a bro. and his wife spoke to me about visiting your store 25 + yrs. ago…this shortly before I visited a friend in Montrose for the first time since her move there about 2 yrs. ago…I visited your art store and bought some cards depicting your art work, was pleased to report back to bro. and wife that I had done so, which also pleased them. Black Canyon was a “stirring” experience to visit…noting you’ve also painted there….an experience not unlike visiting a great cathredral….a feeling not unlike going through Logan Canyon in Cache Co., Utah. I hope to return there, one day, and to Montrose and sojourn a small while with you, should you happen to be in your gallery. I “follow” your adventures, here, as well. Thank you, B.L.

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