Lovin’ it to Death

As you know, I get out and about a bit from time to time traveling hither and yon in search of subjects to paint and photograph. This summer I got up into the North Coast of British Columbia, across the province into Alberta and back home, traveling through Yellowstone N.P.. I just got back from a weekend over in Utah around the Moab area. Most of my sojourns have been out west. I don’t get back east at all although I’m going to make more of an effort to work my way in that direction. Maybe upstate New York, Maine, Nova Scotia and the like.

This year in particular, I’ve noticed a lot of folks are out on the highways and byways. Every place I’ve been has had what I consider a lot of people getting out and seeing the wonders of Mother Nature. They say that RV sales are at an all time high. There are sure a lot of RV rentals on the road, everywhere. I suppose it’s a combination of pent up demand, an improving economy and cheaper gas. Lots and lots of foreigners taking advantage of what we have to offer in this great country in the way of sightseeing.

I just got back from a weekend over in Utah around the Moab area. Talk about getting loved to death. Wow! That place was packed and from what I understand, it stays that way from early spring into late fall. Lots of people out recreating. Breathing that fresh air and soaking up the Vitamin D. Everybody from gear heads and their rock crawlers, to families, hot doggers and old folks on their ATVs, and dirt bikers to those who enjoy the peddle version two wheelers. That place was swarming with people.

We didn’t venture into Arches, N.P.. I’ve been there done that. Instead we planned on taking an off the beaten path, or so we thought, hike to an obscure arch across the river. Much to our surprise, the trailhead parking lot was full and there was a steady ant trail line of folks hiking out to our “obscure” arch. We parked in an adjacent lot for a picnic area and fell in line with the rest of them. Back at the picnic area while we were enjoying our lunch, some fellas began to unload chests of supplies. They said they were expecting 150 youth from the LA area the next day. They would be camped there for a week. All of this despite cloudy skies and a 50% chance of rain, of which we did get showers later in the day.

While it was really rewarding seeing all of those young people out biking and rock climbing the place was sure getting loved to death. Stop by if out get a chance and I’ll see you downtown.

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