Commute from Coyote Wells

Mike Simpson Available Oil Paintings

This studio painting is of a friend of mine in the Wolf Mountains on the Montana Wyoming border on the Crow Reservation. That’s big country up there. In this scene he is making his commute Coyote springs to the open range of his jurisdiction. Lots of breaks and wonderful grass. Perfect cow country. 36 x 48 framed oil painting on a linen panel …

The Californio

Mike Simpson Sold Oil Paintings

I attended the Californio Ranch Rodeo a few years back in Red Bluff, California. The whole event pays homage to the old  vaquero style of horsemanship and the handling of horses and cattle including the dress and spirit of the vaquero.

oil painting by Mike Simpson

Waiting for the Dawn

Mike Simpson Sold Oil Paintings

This painting, a throwback to my cowboy days, is of a good friend of mine who is dead now. He was a cowboy’s cowboy and a fine man.