Happy New Year!

Well, it’s that time of year again. Happy New Year! Time for everybody to renew their membership to the gym, forget the past and move into the future. Have you been thinking about your New Year resolutions? Yah, me neither. I’ve tried that and it only works for a couple of weeks or days at best. Sometimes just hours. Why waste the time and effort setting yourself up for failure. Right? OK. That’s not the right attitude. Here’s my first resolution…change my attitude. Let’s see how that works. Wink.

Seriously, how was 2014 for you? I’ll jump in first and say for me, it wasn’t too bad. There were several events in my life that took place for which I am very thankful for. The big accomplishment of course was the Long Ride North. Still hard to believe we made it to Alaska and back. I think about that ride almost daily. That North Country left an impact on me.

So what’s in store for 2015? They say that you have the choice to chart your own course or you can let others do it for you simply by not doing anything. For starters, my gym contract is already renewed and I go almost every day. Have to. My life depends on that. Secondly, I will paint more and work on seeing how I can adapt to the changed art market.  Those two items on my list are probably enough.

2015 is the year during which I will transition into a full-time painter. Part of this goal is to blog more, so you can expect to see more posts related to my activities. I’m also going to try and get my video act together. I don’t know about you but I find interesting videos worthwhile and engaging. I’m going to try my hand at that. In the past I was actively sell on eBay. That too shall resume. These are just a few of the plans that come to the top of my mind right off. I’m making a list of desired activities…a business plan so to speak. Develop a strategy to achieve the goals and then develop tactics to be implemented.

Oh, there will probably be several motorcycle rides too. As soon as the weather warms up enough I’ll put my Artist On A Harley hat on and get to it.  Kathy and I spent this past weekend at the Box Canyon Lodge in Ouray with our traveling companions, her brother and his wife. Have I mentioned what a great place the Box Canyon Lodge is? It was here that the four of us began our planning for the Long Ride North so what better place to plan this season’s rides. Going to California and doing Yosemite came up in conversation and I think that will be doable. Kathy and I would also like to go chasing Blue Bonnets down Texas way again this spring. If all works well, I may even ride up North a ways again. We’ll see.

No big plans for the shop. I may start teaching classes again. I’d like to get some paintings done from our ride into the North Country last summer so I could have a show of them. I’ll move that project up to the top of the list. It’s always hard for me to separate my private life from my artist life. It just can’t be done. It’s who I am and what I do.

It was 29 years ago today that Simpson Gallery came to Main St, Montrose, Colorado. Hard to believe it has been that long. I wish you the best and if you get a chance stop by. I’ll see you downtown.

In the meantime I’d like to leave you this shot from our Long Ride North:


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