Saturday, Plein Air Convention 2016 Tucson, Arizona

Saturday at the Plein Air Convention 2016 in Tucson, Arizona was a great day. The wind had quit and the temps were moderate, mid to upper 70’s I think. Beautiful day. Before I get too far I need to mention that Dean Mitchel, watercolor artist, was given a lifetime achievement award by Eric Rhoads last night and then Dean spoke. I was very impressed with the man. I have been a longtime admirer of his watercolors and now I am an admirer of the man. Very impressed.

Enjoyed the Art Marketing Boot Camp speaker Lee Milteer and then a fine watercolor demo by Tim Oliver who I met through Facebook and now in person. A nice gent. On my way into the El Conquistador Resort at 6AM for the first class, I came across these guys sneaking across the road. I was a little slow getting my camera out because I was so stunned…there were a dozen or so of the little critters. Just got the last of the little guys as they scurried across the road and ducked into the brush.







After lunch I managed to get a watercolor done.







Then a bit later an oil painting.







So the question is…which do you prefer?

I’d gone down over the edge of the parking area into a wash to do both paintings, the oil painting last. There were a couple of artists up on the edge painting looking down into the wash and a couple of artists had made their way down into the wash as I had. When I got done and turned to climb back up, I was surprised at the number of artists that had shown up. They were lined up like the fishermen on the Kenai when the salmon are running. It looked pretty amazing.







More tomorrow so stay tuned…